Biobased bouwen: De toekomst van bouwen

26 november 2024
De meesten van ons zijn -hoewel soms gedwongen vanwege energieprijzen- in een sneltreinvaart aan het verduurzamen. Motivatie is niet alleen het verminderen van de negatieve impact op het milieu, of verlagen van kosten maar ook om het verbeteren van de levenskwaliteit van mensen. Daarnaast willen we de natuurlijke hulpbronnen behouden voor toekomstige generaties. Een branch die al veel aan duurzaamheid doet is de restaurantbranche. Daar wordt ondermeer gekeken naar duurzame maaltijd-opties, het minimaliseren van afval maar ook energiebesparing en watergebruik. Waarom zou bij een herinrichting of verbouwing van de zaak niet het gebruik van milieubewuste bouwmaterialen zijn?

Sustainable Entrepreneurship; Also in the Restaurant Industry – MAGOXX on the Menu.

Most of us are, although sometimes forced due to energy prices, rapidly transitioning towards sustainability. The motivation is not only to reduce the negative impact on the environment or lower costs, but also to improve the quality of life for people. Additionally, we aim to preserve natural resources for future generations.

An industry that has already made significant strides in sustainability is the restaurant industry. This includes looking at sustainable meal options, minimizing waste, as well as energy conservation and water usage. So why not incorporate the use of environmentally conscious building materials when renovating or refurbishing the business?

The use of MAGOXX Boards can be one of the solutions. Here are four reasons why:

  1. Energy Costs. The building materials from MAGOXX can help reduce energy bills, for example, by using sandwich panels. The insulated walls help retain heat during the winter months and keep the building cool in the summer months.


  1. Sustainability is the Future. We see around us that stricter environmental regulations are being implemented in more and more areas and/or countries, which everyone must comply with. The use of environmentally friendly building materials is not only beneficial for sustainability, health, energy bills, and publicity, but also for the future of our planet. MAGOXX is listed in the official database of sustainable building materials.
  2. Lifespan: The MAGOXX boards essentially provide a sustainable building solution. This can be further enhanced with circular construction and finishing. MAGOXX has been tested in a climate chamber for 50 years, but given its stone-like components, it is expected to last even longer. Additionally, MAGOXX Boards (once we have the factory) can be recycled and/or reused.
  3. Reduced CO2 Emissions: The best option, of course, is not to build or to reuse old building components. However, if new boards must be used, CO2 emissions can be significantly reduced. MAGOXX Boards have 50% less emissions compared to gypsum and concrete.

Are you ready to get started? With MAGOXX boards, you can make a difference with your restaurant.