Biobased bouwen: De toekomst van bouwen

26 november 2024
Duurzaam bouwmaterialen zullen in steeds sneller tempo de wereld gaan veroveren de komende jaren. Als onderdeel van dit segment in de bouwindustrie willen we hier graag een aanjager van zijn! De afgelopen jaren hebben al veel projecten mogen realiseren in het binnen-en buitenland. En afgelopen maand hebben we de mijlpaal bereikt van 10 landen waar MAGOXX wordt toegepast en verkocht! We zijn inmiddels actief in Nederland, België, Duitsland, Italië, Portugal, Griekenland, Estland, Finland, Oostenrijk en Angola. Waar we in Nederland startten met één toepassing (gevels) groeiden we als snel door naar plafonds, binnenmuren en vloeren. Maar als je grote veranderingen beoogt, moet je hoog inzetten en de de toepassingen blijven zich dan ook steeds verder ontwikkelen. Hieronder nemen we je mee in een aantal nieuwe toepassingen die ons helpen om de markt verder te versnellen naar duurzaam bouwen.

MAGOXX Board is already active in 10 countries and is being used in an increasing number of applications

Sustainable building materials will rapidly take over the world in the coming years. As part of this segment in the construction industry, we want to be a driving force behind it! Over the past few years, we’ve had the privilege of realizing many projects both domestically and internationally. Just last month, we reached the milestone of being active in 10 countries where MAGOXX is applied and sold! We are now active in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Greece, Estonia, Finland, Austria, and Angola.
Where we started in the Netherlands with one application (facades), we quickly expanded to ceilings, interior walls, and floors. But when aiming for significant change, you need to aim high, and the applications continue to develop further. Below, we will take you through some new applications that are helping us accelerate the market towards sustainable building.

MAGOXX Board as the perfect building material for ship floors and walls

Not only on land is MAGOXX a great building solution, but also at sea! The lightweight and weather-resistant properties of MAGOXX Board make it a perfect fit for the rainy and salty maritime climate in which ships constantly move.

In the coming months, Danish Marine System (DMS) will extensively test MAGOXX Boards within the marine and offshore industry. DMS aims to use the strong yet lightweight boards for floors and walls in ships. In shipbuilding, different requirements and certifications apply compared to land-based construction. Therefore, MAGOXX Boards will be tested according to IMO regulations, ensuring that DMS will have the necessary certifications for shipbuilding.


Even more MAGOXX in modular construction!

When we started with our MAGOXX boards a few years ago, we were gradually working to help modular construction become more sustainable. In the meantime, we now support the four largest modular builders in the Netherlands, and more and more modular builders abroad are joining in. The chance that you’ll see MAGOXX boards in a prefab home is now greater than ever!


A warm and insulated home with MAGOXX Board floor panels and infrared heating.

Different variants of MAGOXX Board, thanks to their superior mechanical properties, are highly suitable as sustainable and insulating underfloor solutions. MAGOXX Board, combined with the infrared heating from Karbonik, is an example of an application where this synergy is excellently utilized. Together with Karbonik, we developed this system to further enhance the sustainability of both new and renovated homes. The natural heating oil (Carbon) from Karbonik, combined with the MAGOXX board, creates a dry-build floor and wall heating system with low energy consumption.

The heating system is the perfect solution for new builds, renovations, and zero-energy projects!


MAGOXX Board: The Future of Construction?

This makes MAGOXX Board a fantastic building material for the future, both in new construction and renovation projects. In this way, we can significantly drive sustainability to meet climate goals, while ensuring enough homes are provided.